It looks like Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon is not shying away from expressing love for her rumoured boyfriend Kabir Bahia on social media. Kriti and Kabir celebrated Christmas together and several photos from their fun afternoon have been doing the rounds on Instagram. Cricketer MS Dhoni and his wife Sakshi are also seen in the photos.
Kabir took to his official Instagram account on Wednesday to give a glimpse of their Christmas celebration. In his story, he shared a group photo in which Kriti is seen holding him close.
Kriti opted for a white and red striped dress for the party. On the other hand, Kabir is seen wearing a red t-shirt. The couple also wore Christmas caps and smiled ear to ear as they posed for the camera.
Later, Kriti also took to her Instagram account to share several pictures. She gave a glimpse of the Christmas tree and cute decorations. In one of the photos, she is seen posing with Dhoni, who was dressed as Santa Claus.
A few days back, Kriti attended Kabir’s relative’s wedding. While the duo has never confirmed not denied the relationship, Kriti’s presence at the event definitely added fuel to the rumours surrounding their bond.
On Kabir’s birthday on November 19, Kriti shared a selfie with him on her Instagram story, which seemed from their romantic getaway. She wrote, “Happiest birthday K! (red heart emoji) May your innocent smile always stay alive!”
The photo appeared to be from their recent trip to Dubai. A few days back, Kabir hadalso shared several photos on his Instagram from the same location, with the caption, “November In Dubai With My Darling! Swipe to Slide 5 To See My Darling.”
The couple gained attention after a viral video from the actress’ 34th birthday holiday in Greece showed them dancing together.