Pushpa 2: On Thursday, January 3, the Rule reached the 30-day mark since its release. The box office success of the Allu Arjun film is still going strong. With a nett collection of Rs 3.85 crore on day 30, Pushpa 2 had its lowest single-day profits. The film had a 21% decline from Thursday’s Rs 5 crore. Nevertheless, it continues to dominate the box office, surpassing films like Mohanlal’s Barroz, Mufasa: The Lion King, and Varun Dhawan’s recently released Baby John.
Pushpa 2: The Rule has achieved a total net collection of Rs 1193.6 crore in India across all languages, including Rs 781.15 crore in Hindi. Compared to other languages, Hindi is doing better.
In its fourth week, Pushpa 2 brought in a total of Rs 1750 crore at the global box office, according to film trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan. It is currently aiming to overtake the highest-grossing Indian film, Dangal, which was starring Aamir Khan and made Rs 2070 crore. It is anticipated that Pushpa 2 would generate strong earnings both today and tomorrow.
Pushpa 2 CROSSES ₹1750 cr gross mark globally.
The film is expected to post good numbers today and tomorrow.
WW Box Office:
Day 1 – ₹ 282.91 cr
Day 2 – ₹ 134.63 cr
Day 3 – ₹ 159.27 cr… pic.twitter.com/KAQVHJRNLm— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 4, 2025
After an outstanding fourth week, Pushpa 2 is about to enter its fifth week. It remains to be seen if the Sukumar-directed film can survive.
The second installment of the 2021 blockbuster Pushpa 2: The Rise also has important parts from Fahadh Faasil, Jagapathi Babu, Dhananjaya, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Rao Ramesh, and Sunil.