Actor-singer Ayushmann Khurrana is preparing for an exciting and action-packed year as 2025 gets underway. The actor has begun work on the second schedule of his much awaited movie, Thama, which is set in the horror-comedy universe of Maddock Films. The team is now prepared to start filming in Delhi following a quick shoot in Mumbai towards the end of last year. There will be a number of exciting scenes on the schedule, which is anticipated to stretch until mid-January.
With a spooky setting, Thama looks to be an exciting blend of romance and violence. Experienced actors Paresh Rawal and Nawazuddin Siddiqui play supporting parts in the movie, which stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Rashmika Mandanna. In addition to having a talented writing staff that includes Niren Bhatt, Suresh Mathew, and Arun Fulara, Thama is directed by Aditya Sarpotdar, who is well-known for his work on the popular movie Munjya. Amar Kaushik and Dinesh Vijan are the film’s producers.
Ayushmann Khurrana is expected to have two big films coming out in 2025, making it a historic year for him.Thama, which will be released on Diwali, is anticipated to enthral viewers with its blend of terror and love.
Actor-singer Ayushmann Khurrana is preparing for an exciting and action-packed year as 2025 gets underway. The actor has begun the second schedule for his much awaited movie Thama, which is set in the horror-comedy universe of Maddock Films. The team is now prepared to start filming in Delhi following a quick shoot in Mumbai towards the end of last year. There will be a number of exciting scenes on the schedule, which is anticipated to stretch until mid-January.
With a spooky setting, Thama looks to be an exciting blend of romance and violence. Experienced actors Paresh Rawal and Nawazuddin Siddiqui play supporting parts in the movie, which stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Rashmika Mandanna. In addition to having a talented writing staff that includes Niren Bhatt, Suresh Mathew, and Arun Fulara, Thama is directed by Aditya Sarpotdar, who is well-known for his work on the popular movie Munjya. Amar Kaushik and Dinesh Vijan are the film’s producers.
2025 Will Be Busy for Ayushmann Khurrana
Ayushmann Khurrana is expected to have two big films coming out in 2025, making it a historic year for him.Thama, which will be released on Diwali, is anticipated to enthral viewers with its blend of terror and love. In addition to Thama, Ayushmann is collaborating with Dharma Productions and Sikhya Productions on an action thriller that has not yet been given a title.
In 2025, Ayushmann Khurrana has a tonne of intriguing new projects planned. He will start filming a touching family drama with director Sooraj Barjatya. Additionally, Yash Raj Films and Posham Pa Pictures are producing a genre-bending theatrical feature that Ayushmann will co-star in with director Sameer Saxena. With its inventive plot and compelling acting, this movie is sure to have viewers on the edge of their seats.