One actor who has effectively built her name in Hollywood as well as the Indian film business is Priyanka Chopra Jonas. PeeCee’s attention turned to the West a few years ago, while she was still flitting back and forth. Now that she is settled in Hollywood, though, fans are excitedly awaiting the OG Desi Girl to make her Bollywood return. Reports from some time ago claimed Priyanka working with Telugu star Mahesh Babu and ace director SS Rajamouli. Now, Priyanka’s comeback to Bollywood with a franchise very near to her heart is under discussion, Don 3, the third installment of Don.
The public first met Priyanka Chopra as Roma alias Junglee Billi in Farhan Akhtar’s Don in 2006. Her amazing performance of the challenging character along with PeeCee’s hot chemistry with Shah Rukh Khan set many jaws. She brought back the cherished role in Don 2 (2011). But Kiara Advani was welcomed as the female lead once SRK departed the team and Ranveer Singh took over for Don 3. Now that rumors about Priyanka’s likely comeback to the Don franchise have surfaced, supporters cannot remain composed since they hope these rumors to be accurate.
Reacting to the buzz under a Reddit thread, one social media user blurted, “No one among the current actress can play Roma as good as Priyanka.” Faran, Would you kindly bring Roma back? While another netizen said, “Kiara is quite a vanilla actress… like most the actresses today,” her chemistry and match with Ranveer is terrific. Nobody can equal PC ka jalwaaaa. Another online member said, “I doubt Kiara has any significant BO pull. They need to have cast solely PC. Always felt Kiara was too plain for Roma. Some others still hope SRK would make a cameo in the film, meanwhile. For instance, a remark said, “Imagine if they brought both PC & SRK back.. fireworks galore!”
We shall thus have to wait for the Don 3 team to verify the report. But would it be insane to have Priyanka back as Junglee Billi?