Eight months after a shooting outside his home, Bollywood star Salman Khan has finished major security upgrades at his Galaxy Apartments in Bandra, Mumbai.
According to sources, the actor’s house now features high-resolution CCTV cameras, a contemporary security system, and bulletproof windows to identify any suspicious activity nearby.
The balcony where Salman Khan greets his admirers has been strengthened with bulletproof glass. According to the article, the actor’s parents live on the first floor of Galaxy Apartments, while he lives in a one-bedroom apartment on the ground floor.
On April 14, two men on a motorcycles shot Salman Khan four times before running away. In order to assassinate him and his family, the actor thinks gangster Lawrence Bishnoi was to blame.
Salman Khan and the imprisoned Lawrence Bishnoi have had a history of disagreements and threats. Salman Khan’s conviction in the 1998 Blackbuck shooting case marked the beginning of their dispute.
Blackbucks are revered in the Bishnoi community, and Lawrence Bishnoi has promised to take Salman Khan out. The Bishnoi gang’s threats against the actor significantly increased after the firing on April 14.
When former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique was shot dead in Mumbai in October, the situation worsened even worse. Salman Khan was known to have a tight friendship with the 66-year-old lawmaker.
Anmol, the brother of Lawrence Bishnoi and a major suspect in the Baba Siddique murder investigation, has been held in the United States. According to the Mumbai Police’s chargesheet, one of the main reasons for the murder was Siddique’s close relationship with Salman Khan.
A similar threat was previously made to Salman Khan by an unidentified caller who demanded ₹2 crore from the actor. The anonymous individual who sent multiple WhatsApp messages to Mumbai Police’s traffic hotline number was the subject of a case filed by the Worli police.