IMPHAL: On Saturday during an anti-BJP demonstration in the Checkon region of Imphal East district, Manipur police arrested 27-year-old trans-activist Malem Thongam. Under the direction of Thongam, the campaign aimed to expose the allegedly passivity of the BJP-led state government against 10 Kuki MLAs accused of advocating a separate administration within Manipur.
About 11 a.m., Thongam was taken to the City police station following detention by a combined operation between the City police and Imphal East district police for additional legal procedures. Officials claimed that the arrest stopped the intended demonstration movement.
The activist has been outspoken about his call for action against the Kuki-Zo MLAs, who allegedly support separatist movements and keep ties to armed Kuki groups. Currently holding cabinet posts in the BJP government under Chief Minister N Biren Singh are two of these MLAs, Letpao Haokip and Nemcha Kipgen.
Apart from the demonstration, Thongam had applied under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, to Chief Minister Singh and the BJP state president. Accusing the government of protecting the ten MLAs, the application asked explanation on why the government had not acted against them.
Thongam was arrested in Manipur during rising ethnic conflict and bloodshed. According to police sources, this was a required precaution to monitor upheavals and guarantee the area did not develop anarchic law and order.
Future developments of the case are unknown yet.