A high-level probe has been launched in the Starlink signals case in India. All top agencies have been roped in for the probe including Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) and intelligence agencies to find out more.
This came after two major incidents have signalled the use of Starlink’s satellite communication devices despite denial from Elon Musk.
The Andaman police is in touch with Starlink after the recovery of more than 6,000 kg (13,000 lb) of meth in a Myanmar boat. The boat was carrying sacks of suspected contraband, detained six Myanmar nationals and routes were negotiated with the help of Starlink devices.
Sources say the device has an unmatched capability to create a Wi-Fi hotspot in areas helping smugglers and traffickers.
Sources say even though Starlink regulatory approval is pending in India, concerns have been raised over signals found in Manipur. Agencies are now trying to find out if a trial was started before regulatory approval by the Indian Government.
During a raid in December, it is a password free device and there is no need to log in. These raids were conducted at Keirao Khunou area of Imphal East where arms and ammunition were found. Myanmar based research group possibly gave these hand-held to rebel groups, sources said.
According to senior police officer from Manipur People’s Liberation Army of Manipur (PLA), which is a Manipur based organisation, has used Starlink during shutdowns. According to top Intelligence sources, the PLA initially accessed the service in neighbouring Myanmar but later found that Starlink signals extended into parts of Manipur.
According to the top cop, not only Kukis, but other civilians were also found using this service.
Starlink Services Found Operational in Manipur
As per sources, Starlink services have been found operational in parts of Manipur despite denial from the company and clarification that signals are frozen over India.
Top Intelligence sources say this has raised concerns about national security because internet shutdown is meaningless if such signals are used for communication. They also said this technology can potentially be used to spread misinformation and coordinate violent activities.
According to reports, Starlink devices have been smuggled into Manipur from neighbouring Myanmar, where the service is legally permitted. The devices have been used by militant groups, including the People’s Liberation Army of Manipur (PLA), to access the internet during periods of internet blackouts imposed by authorities.
The Indian government has expressed concerns about the use of Starlink in Manipur, citing potential security risks. The government has also sought regulatory approval from Starlink to provide satellite broadband services in India, but the company has yet to receive permission.
Elon Musk in his statement said that Starlink satellite beams are disabled over India, but reports suggest that the service is still functional in some areas of Manipur, particularly near the Myanmar border.
Sources say Myanmar based research groups possibly gave these handheld to rebel groups. These research groups have 3,000 handheld devices used by army and civilians both in Myanmar, sources said.