On Thursday, the Manipur Police said they had arrested six individuals who who they believed were members of Arambai Tenggol (AT) in connection with the death of a person who died of injuries after being reportedly kidnapped by the group and held hostage for ransom.
The person who died has been named as Md Nawash, 33, who lived in Keirang Mayai Leikai in the Imphal East district and was under the control of the Heingang police station. On Tuesday, Nawash was taken from his home.
Nawash was brought to Thoubal District Hospital on Wednesday by some unknown bad guys, but they pronounced him dead when they got there.
Soon after, a case was opened, and six AT members were arrested. Their names are Sagolsem Chingkheinganba Singh, 25, Chingakham Sanatomba Singh, 19, Sapam Somorjit Singh, 32, Maibam Bokenjit Singh, 24, Athokpam Jiban Singh, 30, and Chingakham Mani Singh, 41.
At the same time, the Arambai Tenggol said in a statement that some people were using the group’s name to further their own goals.
“Unknown people used the name of Arambai Tenggol Unit-2, Andro branch, wrongly when dealing with drug dealers, which resulted in the death of a person.” “The event has nothing to do with Arambai Tenggol,” the statement says.