New Delhi: The President of India, Droupadi Murmu, on Thursday presented the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar to 17 children across seven categories for their remarkable achievements during a ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural Centre.
Among the honourees was 15-year-old Kisen Wanniang from Mawlangwir village in South West Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. Kisen was recognized for his exceptional bravery after rescuing four children, aged 9 to 12, from the Maweitksar River amid heavy rains. The son of a single mother who works as a domestic laborer, Kisen displayed extraordinary courage by risking his life to save the children after hearing their cries for help while he was washing clothes by the river. Speaking on the occasion, the President congratulated all award winners and said that the entire country and the society is proud of them. She told children that they have done extraordinary work, achieved amazing accomplishments, have limitless capabilities, and possess incomparable qualities. They have set an example for the children of the country.