The Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj will showcase Assamese Sattriya culture for the first time ever. Traditional Sattriya dance, singing, and drama will be performed by a 40-person troupe from Majuli’s Aauniati Satra, providing a rare glimpse into the state’s creative and spiritual legacy.Ram Vijay Bhaona, a devotional play by Srimanta Sankaradeva, Diha Nam (congregational singing), and the Apsara Dance will all be performed. The Apsara Dance will be accompanied with traditional Borgeet and instruments such as the flute, violin, khol, cymbals, and dotara. The group will also showcase the complexity and diversity of the art form by performing both feminine (Stri Bhangi) and masculine (Paurashik Bhangi) dance techniques.
Founded by Srimanta Sankaradeva in the 15th century as a devotional way to promote Lord Krishna’s teachings through dance, theatre, and music, sattriya was acknowledged as one of India’s classical dance styles in 2000. The complex narrative and spiritual concepts that are at the heart of Sattriya will be reflected in the performances at the Kumbh Mela.
Aauniati Satra Satradhikar Pitambar Dev Goswami said he was proud to represent Assam’s traditional heritage on such a distinguished stage. The team will perform a Bhagawat reading while in Prayagraj from January 31 to February 10, 2025. By participating in the holy Kumbh Mela, which will take place from January 13 to February 26, 2025, Assam will be able to showcase its cultural customs to a worldwide audience, marking an important milestone for the state.